Prof. Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber
Affiliation: Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey
Speech subject in ICIE 2016:
Optimal Control of Stochastic Systems with Regime Switches, Jumps and Delay – Applications in Finance, Economics, Finance and Nature
Award and Activities:
ü Borchers Medal of RWTH Aachen (for doctorate).
ü Honorary Chair of several EURO Working Groups.
ü Many Invited/Plenary Lectures at International Conferences
ü Editorial Board member of international journals such as Central European Journal of Operations Research (CEJOR), Optimization, etc.
ü Guest Editor of international journals such as European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Global Journal of Technology and Optimization, Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM), Machine Learning, Annals of Operations Research, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, etc.
ü Best Paper Awards and Thesis Awards.
ü Many Performance Awards.
ü EURO Conference Advisor.
ü Many Research Projects such as with TÜBITAK (Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council), Eureka Ibero America, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Program), 7th Framework EU Project, etc.
ü Various Grant of German Science Foundations and of TÜBITAK.
ü More than 160 Published Papers in the High Standard Journals.
ü The Membership of EUROPT, INFORMS, SIAM, EURO Working Group “Financial Modelling”, etc.
ü EURO Conference Advisor.
ü Chair of IFORS (Online) Resources on OR for Development.
ü IFORS News: Regional Correspondent for EURO.
Prof. Stefan Minner
Affiliation: Logistics and Supply Chain Management, TUM School of Management, Munich, Germany
Speech subject in ICIE 2016:
Strategic supply chain design under uncertainty with application to the automotive industry
Award and Activities:
ü 2006: Service Award of the International Society for Inventory Research (ISIR)
ü Editor-In-Chief, OR Spectrum, 01/2008-12/2013
ü Editor-In-Chief, Logistics Research, since 01/2013
ü Editor-in-Chief, Business Research, since 01/2015. Associate Editor, since, 01/2014,
ü Member of the Editorial Board: European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), International Journal of Production Economics (IJPE) and Review of Managerial Science.
ü More than 120 published papers in high standard journals.
ü President of the International Society for Inventory Research (ISIR), 08/2012-08/2014
ü Board member, Gesellschaft für Verkehrsbetriebswirtschaft und Logistik (GVB), since 05/2014
ü Member of the Research Committee, European Logistics Association (ELA), since 11/2008
ü Member of the Advisory Board, German Operations Research Society (GOR), 01/2008-12/2013
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Contant Man: Chris Chen
Tel: +86 027 88875258